Saturday, April 24, 2010

10 Goals for Anchorage

So I'm getting excited about my move to Anchorage and there are many things I want to do once there. To start, here are 10 goals for this coming summer.

1. Learn to skate well! I need to buy some outdoor quad skates so I can beef up my skills before roller derby recruiting in August.

2. Bike the coastal trial. I think this is a must!

3. Lose 25 lbs. I NEED to do this. I gained 15 lbs since moving to Dillingham. This is not acceptable!

4. See more art. Do more art! I'm getting a good start on glass works and I hope to continue this.

5. Live frugally. I will need to save money, but I think this will be a good exercise in cutting costs.

6. Grow some plants! I'm not good at this, Matthew is the one with the green thumb. But I would like to grow some veggies this summer if I have the space.

7. Learn to dance! I think this might be doable, since my new roomies are two dance instructors. I'm hoping they'll have a good beat on some places to go to learn to dance.

8. Hang out with more friends. I think this will be doable for sure. I already have several friends planning to come visit me. I've missed everyone so much.

9. Read more classics. I realize I need to continue to broaden my reading list.

10. Write more letters. I started writing a lot of letters when I moved to the Dill, but I stopped. I need to start this up again.

Attach of the Internets

As I watch 'Attack of the Show' on the G4 network, while nerding out on my laptop, I realize I am way too plugged into the technology of our age. I find myself frustrated when attempting to talk to others who are completely clueless when it comes to computers and internet pop-culture. At times I feel like a complete goon because of this.

Am I just a follower who drank the google kool-aid? Perhaps. Should I care? Maybe. But these youtube videos of cute kittens are just too tempting. I could never give up the internetz!

EDIT: This is why one should not make blog posts and watch TV at the same time. Typos abound! Sorry peoples...but you don't read my blog for correct grammar and high level editing, now do you?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

New art stuffs

These are a couple of the pieces I made from my glass fusing class last weekend. I still have a couple that are waiting to be fired.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Moving cakes, the extreme way!

I watched this show today. Its one of those 'extreme' cake shows on the food network. Its not really all that exciting but I must say, I get incredibly anxious when it comes to the part of the show where the contestants must move their cakes.

Typically it takes three to four people to move these massive, towering cakes. I find myself holding my breath until they get the cake safely on the judging table. Such a silly thing to be on the edge of your seat about! Unlike Nascar, with this show, I am not hoping for an epic wreck.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Dead things = Art!

Yes, dead things CAN be art! Yet, always controversial. This art show at UAF is exactly the kind of art I love. Yes its creepy. Yes its not something most people would hang on their walls. It does however, evoke emotion and that is exactly what art is for.

I like this approach of making casts of carcases. Its different and more versatile than plain taxidermy. Of course people are going to make a stink about it. Oh well. Not everyone can understand I suppose.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Yet another move

A brief update, since I have been a little quite on my plans. I have accepted a job offer with the state Department of Natural Resources in Anchorage. My first day of work will be May 3rd. I wanted to give my current job a month's notice, so I'll be working there until the 30th of this month.

Currently I am trying to secure a room to rent. A little scary, but I think all will turn out well. Luckily I have made some promising contacts on craig's list that are in the area I would like to live and more importantly within my budget.

Matthew is going to be staying in Dillingham until he can find work in Anchorage. It will suck keeping up two rents, but I think we can handle it just fine. I will probably have to get a second part-time job, but I am ok with that.

I am super excited and sad at the same time. I am going to miss Matthew terribly! Hopefully it won't be too long before he can find work.